
Hearne (Thomas)

  • 1678–1735
  • antiquarians, historians
  • (agents)
English antiquary known for having produced editions of many English historical texts
Leland, John, Joannis Lelandi antiquarii de rebus Britannicis collectanea, ed. Thomas Hearne, 6 vols, 2nd ed., London: Gul. & Jo. Richardson, 1770.
HathiTrust: <link>
Leland, John, Joannis Lelandi antiquarii de rebus Britannicis collectanea, ed. Thomas Hearne, 6 vols, 1st ed., London, 1715.
Google Books – vol. 1.2: <link> Google Books – vol. 2: <link> Google Books – vol. 3: <link>

See also: Cherry (Francis) [English non-juror]
Cherry (Francis) ... English non-juror
(1665–23 September 1713)
English non-juror (i.e. clergyman who did not acknowledge William III and Mary II); philanthropist, and patron of Thomas Hearne.

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Rawlinson (Richard)
Rawlinson (Richard)
English clergyman, antiquarian and collector of books and manuscripts; brother of Thomas Rawlinson (1681–1725), whose collection he inherited and catalogued. After his death, he left his numerous books and manuscripts to the Bodleian Library in Oxford.

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